Brahma Muhurta

Do you regularly awaken at 3:40 am? Then you are being initiated by the Universe for your spiritual pursuits.

In the Hindu calendar, Brahm Muhurta is the moment at which Lord Brahma created the universe. It is said that this is the ideal span of time to attain a full understanding of spiritual enlightenment.

The Brahma Muhurta is the last quarter of the night before daybreak. It’s the perfect time to take in as much energy as possible from the universe and use it to create a new existence. Because of this, now is the time for you to become your own creator and transform yourself into the person you choose.

Brahma Muhurta is once such duration of time in the early morning hours every day. Brahma Muhurta is the 3 hours of time in the early morning between 3 and 6 considered as auspicious for various rituals and spiritual practices.  It is the best time for any spiritual practice because of the purified ambience in the atmosphere.  It is believed that this time, the atmosphere is filled with positive electro-magnetic radiation that makes the mind calm and peaceful without any effort.  

Since it is the time when most of the people are in deep sleep, the atmosphere is filled with vital pranic energy which is highly beneficial for the spiritual practices. Activities of the living beings start only after some time so the pollution level is less.  Spiritual masters always advice the people to wake up at this time for spiritual practices because the waves present in this time are most beneficial for the body and mind.

The Brahma Muhurtam, as per the ancient wisdom of Hinduism, is a mystical period occurring in the pre-dawn hours, esteemed for its profound spiritual significance. This specific time, which typically falls about 1 hour and 36 minutes before sunrise and lasts for approximately 48 minutes, is considered exceptionally auspicious for meditation, yoga, and other spiritual practices.

According to traditional belief, Brahma Muhurtam is when the mind is inherently calm, untainted by the distractions and stresses of daily life. This tranquility is thought to create an ideal environment for deep meditation and spiritual activities. Engaging in such practices during this time is believed to be more fruitful and spiritually rewarding.

This time period is named after Brahma, the creator god in Hinduism, symbolizing creation, new beginnings, and profound spiritual potential. It’s thought that in these early hours, the spiritual energies of the universe are at their peak, facilitating a deeper connection with the divine and one’s inner self.

In the realm of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, and yogic science, waking up during Brahma Muhurtam is also considered beneficial for physical health and mental well-being. It aligns the individual’s biological rhythms with the natural cycles of the earth, promoting overall balance and wellness.

Moreover, Brahma Muhurtam is associated with certain energetic qualities unique to this time of day. The pre-dawn hours are believed to possess a special vibrational frequency that aids in spiritual awakening and the cultivation of higher consciousness. This period is seen as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, offering an opportunity to transcend everyday consciousness and experience deeper spiritual insights.

The philosophical understanding of Brahma Muhurtam in Hinduism extends beyond mere ritual. It embodies the idea that aligning one’s personal practices with the rhythmic cycles of nature can lead to enhanced spiritual growth, mental clarity, and a profound sense of peace and connectedness with the universe.

Questions and Answers

What is the secret of Brahma Muhurtham?

Brahma Muhurta: What, When is Brahma Muhurta time & Benefits

According to Ashtanga Hridaya, Brahma Muhurta is the most suitable time to perceive spiritual knowledge and wisdom. Explore ancient scriptures or go through simple tenets of wisdom. According to Dharmashastra, studying scriptures during Brahma Muhurta also helps ease mental

Waking up during Brahma Muhurta, the time before sunrise, allows our brain to be more active and take advantage of the positive energy in both the universe and our body, aligning with nature’s rules and making intellectual and mental work easier.

What is the truth about Brahma Muhurtham?

It is traditionally the penultimate phase or muhurta of the night, and is considered an auspicious time for all practices of yoga and most appropriate for meditation, worship or any other religious practice.

What happens at Brahma Muhurta?

Brahma muhurta is believed to be the most appropriate time to perform spiritual activities. It is a time of transition and when your mind is in tune with the subtle energies of nature. It is the time when your mind, body and soul in the perfect state of balance.

Things to avoid during brahma muhurta

There are a few things that people should minimize or avoid doing during brahma muhurta to make the most of this spiritual time. Avoid eating or drinking, as it can disrupt the delicate balance of your prana or life force energy.

Which mantra to chant in Brahma Muhurta?

Chanting Gayatri Mantra in the early hours like Brahma Muhurta is considered really auspicious.


Something Phenomenal Happens at 3:40 AM – Sadhguru || Brahma Muhurtam


Gabriel Comia, Jr. is an initiate of Vedic Philosophy.